Landscape 2015

The Most Significant Information of Digital Games Consumption in Iran 2015

Main Topic: The Most Significant Information of Digital Games Consumption in Iran 2015
Pages: 14
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About this report:

Landscape annual report 2015, the first published report of DIREC, is about
consumption and Gamers’ status in Iran. This report provides the most
significant information in the field.

The data of this report have been collected by the effort of more than 100
researchers in metropolitan, city and rural areas across the country. A sample
size of 15000 people were surveyed for this purpose.

The results then have been analyzed in DIREC central core. Although a large
part of consumption information will be released in future reports, landscape
presents very important figures about digital games and paves the way for a
better understand of oncoming reports.


Who is playing?
How they play?
What they play?
How they pay?
Who we are?


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